Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Design Accurately?

At first, when I was reading chapter one I was thinking to myself who came up with the concept of designing maps in proportions. But I guess as humans we tend to define everything around us and it wasn't just satisfactory for us to have maps rather we seeked for a way to to depict it in relation to reality. nonetheless the idea of mapping a 3D into a 2D plane almost serves as a normality to us today. However, as GD students in this age we have so much technology out there to convert our ideas into reality. And this got me thinking into how I could represent my classification into 3D. Would it have a certain set of structure that it would follow or would it just be too obvious. Would it be more effective to have a 3D model or a pocket sized 2D literature with some pictures. As a conclusion I think that it is the idea or the flow of information which is the most important. Although I do agree that there maybe more effective ways of conveying an idea or information but as information designers we are more than obligated to find the most efficient way to reach the masses be it depicting it as a 2D or a 3D.
I found the content of chapter 3 to be more interesting. I asked my self if propaganda and magic had anything common to them. I think we tend to think again as our previous reading that as long as it's in an authoritative format we tend to believe it. This is probably because we have no means of verifying the information.....or so we think. Once again every individual has their own way of understanding matters. Although we may get a general idea we have different emotions or ideas that come to us. So, I see this as a challenge to us (information designers) in validating what we are communicating no matter how true or flase it maybe. The challenge lies in convincing the masses or maybe even leaving them doubtful so that they attempt to seek the truth. I say all of our designs should be like a subway map........nobody thinks twice.

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